Monday, January 26, 2009

Roo's Way of Life


You see, he could never jump as high as Sasha and he could never play kangaroo games like Felix could.

Poor Roo was crippled. There was only one thing that he was good at: telling stories. He could make any story come to life, as long as you told him the storyline. He was obviously the best storyteller in his group.

But jealous Raz (why would he be jealous?) wanted to tell even better stories than Roo. And so one day, he brought his plan into action, and succeeded.

After Raz told his story at sundown, many kangaroos came and congratulated him for a great story. Some even said he was the best storyteller ever.

Roo was crushed. Everyone had loved his stories! And now that Raz had taken that away, Roo could do nothing but sleep.

* * *

The next morning, Roo woke up last. Everyone else was busy doing something except for him. A young joey came up to him and said, “Why aren't you don't anything, you lazy lump?”

Roo was badly offended. All of the kangaroos in his group should know that he couldn't work much. And if they didn't know, Roo was too embarrassed to explain his situation.

Go run along, will you?” he begged the joey. But he had already gone.

* * *

During story circle time later that day, Roo did not offer to tell a story. Once again, Raz had taken this opportunity and hogged the spotlight.

Of course, everyone had once again loved the story.

Roo had lumbered away to bed, before the story ended. He turned around one more time, seeing every single kangaroo absorbed in Raz's story.

Roo glanced at Raz. His eyes had a dark shimmer in it, which seemed to laugh with hatred.

Roo scampered to a grassy area and cried. He was so helpless, and nobody wanted him.

Soon, his mother came and sat next to him. “What's wrong, my sweet Roo?” she asked in a soothing voice.

Suddenly all of Roo's worries went away and he was able to talk smoothly with his mother.

Everyone hates me,” Roo started. “And ever since Raz took over story circle time, everyone probably thinks I'm just a scrap of fur.”

Roo's mother's eyes were blank. “They really treat you like that?” she wondered.

Roo nodded.

Roo's mother shook her head sadly. Then her eyes brightened up. “Roo, listen to me,” she demanded. Then her voice got soft again. “Roo, you are special,” She paused. “You're special to me, and I will always love you.”

Roo felt a sudden surge of joy and happiness. He snuggled against his mother's warm fur. “i love you too,” he exclaimed and drifted off into sleep.

* * *

Early the next morning, Roo heard an unusual growl. He hopped up and looked around. Roo couldn't see anything, but he felt that something was wrong. He glimpsed around one more time. Suddenly, a huge dingo came dashing towards him

Roo was frozen with fear. What was he going to do?

But before Roo could think about anything, he jumped as far as his legs would take him. The dingo raced after him.

Roo had the dingo chase after him for a very long time.

After a while, the dingo disappeared. Roo traced back his footsteps and soon found the dingo getting a drink at the watering hole.

Roo knew what he would do, but it might cost him his life.

But before Roo could stop himself, he was stalking behind the dingo, ever so quietly.

Then, at the right exact moment, Roo pounced himself onto the dingo. The dingo immediately turned around but was pushed into the water seconds later. He splashed and paddled, but he could not swim.

Please,” he called to Roo. “Please help me!”

Roo challenged him. “As long as you and your other dingo friends promise never to set foot on kangaroo territory again!”

I promise!” the dingo cried as he spat out a mouthful of water.

So Roo helped the dingo out of the treacherous water.

Thanks,” he said, licking his soaking fur.

Roo nodded his head “No problem!” he explained. “Now get out of here!”

The dingo solemnly obeyed. He dragged himself back to his friends.

And then Roo realized that he had done a great thing for every kangaroo ever to live.

* * *

When Roo returned home, everyone was awaiting him.

Hey Roo!” Sasha praised. “I saw you get chased by that dingo this morning. You looked really brave!” Sasha gave Roo a nice smile as Felix hopped over. “Yeah, Sasha's right!” he addded.

Thanks,” Roo replied. Soon everyone was congratulating him.

Roo, come here,” said Raz. Roo edged closer and closer, afraid Raz might beat him up.

You saved us,” he said, and for once, it had a hint of kindness in his voice. “Thank you!”

Roo the Magnificent!” kangaroos hollered. “Roo the Magnificent!”

And from that day forward, Roo was the most honored kangaroo in the group and also the best storyteller ever.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Annabelle's Secret-Prologue

Annabelle felt the cool breeze blow gently on her face. She climbed higher up into the tree she was safely hidden in, hoping to glimpse a glance at the new next-door neighbors, who were just moving in.

A little girl about six-years-old was jumping onto her mother who was carrying a large box. She pushed the child away and disappeared inside. The lady came in and out of the house, carrying boxes with markings like: CLAIRE or FAMILY ROOM or BASEMENT.

Annabelle wondered if the family had any other kids besides the six-year-old. Were they her age?

She then suddenly heard piercing scream, that broke her away from her thoughts. Annabelle was so startled that she had almost fallen off the tree but luckily, she had grabbed onto the branch just as she slipped. Her arms and hands had cuts in them, but that was better then having a broken neck.

Annabelle gripped onto a low branch and tried to see what had screamed. She glimpsed ahead of her, and saw the little girl with a pale face, pointing to the ground. She was horrified.

Annabelle couldn't see what the little girl was pointing at, but she could hear the lady shriek “hairy bug” and “big spider”. Then Annabelle knew what it was. It was her twin brother's pet tarantula!

Annabelle swung herself out of the tree and scurried to the neighbor's house. She slowed down and pretended to act like she was taking a walk.

Oh, hello! Are you guys the new neighbors?” she asked casually. The lady and the child un-froze themselves and looked up at Annabelle.

Hi! Thanks for dropping by. Where do you live?” asked the lady, showing her toothpaste commercial smile. “I'm Mary, and this is my daughter Claire.” Mary pointed to the little girl.

Annabelle remembered her manners. “Nice to meet you! I'm Annabelle, and I live right next door to you.”

Then Claire cried out again. “Mommy, it's gonna get me!” Claire pointed at the spider again.

Annabelle sighed as if she was annoyed with something. “Oh Simon,” she said. “How did you get out of your cage this time?”

She bent over and picked up Simon. “Don't worry. Simon's my twin brother's pet tarantula. He won't hurt you.” She let Claire pet the furry spider.

Oh, it tickles!” Claire giggled a tinkling laugh.

Annabelle smiled and started to leave when a boy about her age crashed into her. He was wearing a over-sized football helmet and wore a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt.

Sorry,” he said in a low-ish voice. “Are you okay?”

Annabelle wriggled from his grasp. “I'm fine.” she said as she brushed off some grass and dirt. She looked around desperately. “Where's Simon?”

The boy looked puzzled. “Who's Simon?”

Annabelle sighed. Now she was really annoyed. “Simon is my twin brother's tarantula. He's harmless, but if I can't recover him before my brother gets home from soccer practice, I'll be dead.”

Mary and Clarie ran over. “Apparently you have met my son, Ethan.” Mary looked at Ethan in a mother-kind of way. “Ethan, what are you thinking, crashing into girls?! Why aren't you practicing football drills in the backyard? Or helping us un-pack?”

Ethan took off his helmet. “Sorry Mom,” He turned and looked at Annabelle. “Sorry I crashed into you. I wasn't thinking.”

Annabelle shrugged.”It's okay. I guess we haven't officially met . I'm Annabelle.” She held out her hand.

I'm Ethan, as you probably know,” Ethan shook Annabelle's hand. “Where do you live?”

Annabelle pointed to her house. “Right next door to you.”

Ethan nodded. “Cool.” He smiled a perfectly white smile.

Then it hit her. Annabelle really liked Ethan. His perfect wavy hair formed around his head and there was a small scar below his chin. He was handsome.

Ethan suddenly broke Annabelle out of her train of thought. “I found Simon,” He held Simon and handed him to her.

Thanks,” Annabelle said dreamily. Her eyes were locked in Ethan's. Then she heard her twin brother Alex nosily burst through the back door.

Annabelle!” he called out angrily. “Where's Simon?!”

Annabelle shook herself and ran towards her house. “I have to go,” she called. “Bye!”

She could barely hear Ethan's reply. “See you later!”

Annabelle smiled. She definitely had a crush on Ethan. She knew if she told anyone, they would surely blab it out to the whole world. And that meant she now had a secret. The best secret she could ever imagine.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bubbles' Journey-Prologues 1 & 2


The seals slumped along the shoreline of the icy Arctic. They were having a private meeting, which no other seal could hear.

“But what will happen to the remaining seals?” asked one named Dapplestar.

The other seal shook his head sadly. “We have to send them on a journey to the Mainland.”

The Mainland was the place where seals usually never went. Seals that did happen to go there never were heard of again.

Dapplestar shifted uneasily. “No, Sammy! Not the cubs!”

“We must.” Sammy solemnly stared at Dapplestar.

Dapplestar fell silent. She knew she couldn’t argue with Sammy. “Okay. We shall begin in one moon.”

And then the Dapplestar parted away and went back to the den while Sammy sat there, staring at the sun across the ocean as it slowly went down. He sighed and waddled his way back to camp where other seals were sound asleep.

That night Dapplestar could not sleep. She had a dream about a polar bear crashing into the den and stealing the newborn cubs. Dapplestar woke up abruptly and found herself next to sleeping Sammy. She calmed herself down and she soon was deep in sleep once again.


“That oil spill is going to cost us thousands,” exclaimed Dr. Moore. His employee, Henry, looked puzzled.

“Why, sir?”

Dr. Moore sighed sadly. “The oil spill cleaners bring in more and more animals every day that need to be nursed back to health, you see, and that cost us even more money then we’re used to spending,”

“I see what you mean sir, but why is that such a big problem? Can’t we have the customers pay more for admission and refreshments?”

Dr. Moore shook his head. “No, I’m afraid not.”

Henry gasped. “But the locals love the aquarium! They could donate money.”

“Not enough people love the aquarium enough to donate. Henry, I’m afraid we will have to shut down the aquarium.”

“Oh, what will happen to the animals?”

“That is my biggest fear. I’m not sure what we’ll do,” Dr. Moore scribbled something down on his notepad. “Henry, you are one my most prized employees, and you take pride in that, but I will have to fire you. I really am so sorry.”

“I wish there is something I can do, sir.” Henry said.

“Unless you have a money tree in your backyard, there really is nothing you can do.” Dr. Moore said.

“I completely understand, sir. I should get going now.” Henry grabbed his coat and slipped it on.

“Henry,” Dr. Moore called.

“Yes sir?” Henry asked, about to turn the doorknob.

Dr. Moore walked up to him and handed him his notepad. “This is everything that has happened since the grand opening of the aquarium. Use it well, my boy,” Dr. Moore looked at him sternly. “And don’t you go around telling everyone about our little conversation. I don’t want people to freak out about the aquarium closing,” Dr. Moore added. “That’s my job.”

Henry chuckled. “I won’t sir,” Henry collected up his hat and notepad. “Have a nice day.”

Dr. Moore stared into space for a moment. “Perhaps you can help me decide what we shall do with the animals,”

“That would be an honor!” Henry said and he leaped from the step and walked home.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Wizard to Begin With-Chapter Five: the Forbidden Forest

Ian was leading Paige into the Forbidden Forest. What was she doing following him? She tried to squirm out of his reach, but he gripped her wrist tightly.
“Where are you taking me? I don't want to go in here!” she cried, but Ian didn't care. “What kind of friend are you?” she asked, tears streaming down her cheeks. She yanked and pulled even harder, but Ian held her tightly. Soon she gave up and let him take her who knows where.
Paige suddenly heard a high-pitched scream. It made her eardrums burn. “Ian! Ian! What was that?” But Ian wasn't there grasping her anymore. He was gone.
“IAN!” Paige screamed. She was panicking. There were loud growling sounds circling around her. Her legs trembled. It was completely dark. She couldn't see a thing. “IAN! WHERE ARE YOU?” she yelled.
Suddenly there was a burst of light surrounding her. Paige was terrified. A large beast with wild black fur and sharp claws plunged at her. She dodged it, and it's claws sunk into a large leaf.
The beast once again attacked Paige. She screamed at the top of her lungs. Why would her only friend put her in-
And then Ian came and leaped out of the bushes and fought the large animal. Paige couldn't help calling to him. “Ian!”
He looked at her in a heroic way and.... and winked at her! He then quickly glanced away and started to fight again.
Paige was flattered. Ian had winked at her! She felt like she was leaving Earth and going to her own world, Ian Land. It was such a pleasant thought, to be in a dream like this. But it all faded when she heard Ian's muffled voice. “Paige! Run! Hide!”
Paige snapped out of her dream. She saw Ian crawling on the ground, trying to trip the beast. “I can't! You need me!” she cried, hoping she could help.
Ian shook his head angrily. “No! Go! Please! Now!”
Paige looked at him one last time and ran away. She buried her head in her hands and cried. Nothing made sense. Why had Ian brought her here? He had looked so handsome like a mini warrior while fighting the beast. And then she realized that she was in love with Ian. She had to save him!
Paige ran back to the place where Ian and the animal were fighting. But they weren't there. She saw puddles of blood that led to the bushes. Paige almost fainted. What had they stupid beast do to Ian? She followed the long trail of puddles. She came to a huge clearing where she saw Ian laying there. Was he dead? No, he couldn't be dead! And then she saw the large beast laying down too, with a large puddle of soggy blood. She had to turn away.
Some kids or teenagers might have been interested in something going on around them, the gory kind of things that were surrounding Paige. But not her. She just simply wasn't interested.
Especially this time.
Paige scampered to Ian who was tired beyond measure. When he finally got up Paige squeezed him in a big bear hug. “I'm so glad you're safe!” she squealed with happiness.
“Uh, Paige, I need a breather.” Ian rasped.
“Oh, of course!” Paige exclaimed and let go. She was so glad that he was okay. But then she remembered the question she was dying for an answer. “Why did you bring me here?” she asked with wonder.
Ian sighed. “I'll tell you later. Right now we need to go back to school.”
School had been swiped out of Paige's memory. While fussing over Ian, she had forgotten about school.
Paige giggled. “Yeah, think about how much trouble will get into!” She started laughing hysterically at herself and could not stop.
Ian shoved her hard to the side. “We won't get in trouble.”
Paige froze. “Why?”
“We can't go back to school. It's too dangerous.” said Ian.
Paige looked puzzled. “Where will we learn to be master wizards?” she asked. She wanted to stay at Hidden Hollow!
Ian looked as if he were in a trance. “Rosie must teach you and I. I will fetch your dragon. Stay here.”
Now Paige was even more puzzled. “How do you know Rosie? Or that I had a dragon?”
But Ian had already disappeared into the dark mist surrounding the Forbidden Forest.

A Wizard to Begin With-Chapter Four: Room 107

Paige woke abruptly the next morning by a loud and terrifyingly horn-like sound. She scampered out of bed quickly, hoping she wasn't in trouble.

But it was only the one and only Miss Snow, second head of Hidden Hollow. She was a young lady, about in her twenties or thirties, but not yet married. Paige thought she was very pretty with her long blonde hair and sparkling sky-blue eyes.

Okay girls,” she said in her intelligent-sounding voice. “You must get dressed in you cloaks and then come report back to me.”

All of the girls rushed to the bathrooms. Paige took her own sweet time, waiting quietly in the long line to the bathrooms while others girls talked and chatted. Finally it was her turn for a bathroom. She quickly slipped out her pajamas and tugged on the long silky robe that she had brought along.

Paige dashed back to Miss Snow. She smiled sweetly at Paige, leaning in closer to her height. “Name?” she asked.

Paige shuddered. She was nervous to talk to any of the teachers. Finally she could utter a word. “I-I'm Paige. Paige Morne.”

Miss Snow nodded and flipped a few pages of her clipboard. “Aha!” she said. “Your first class will be Transforming 3, which is also your homeroom, with me in room 107. See you there, Paige!” Before Paige could ask any questions, the teacher was already in a deep conversation with another girl.

Paige shrugged and sighed. She gathered up her books and walked to room 107. Once again, she never looked even oncer at the paintings. She just couldn't.

Soon Paige found the door labeled Room # 106. She took five more steps and found room 107. She took one step into the large classroom. The only people in there were two boys shooting paper airplanes at the ceiling.

Paige calmly sat down at a desk in the middle, close to the window. She could see the birds fluttering by and the clouds slowly rolling along.

While Paige wondered who would be in her class, Ian stepped into room 107. Paige swiveled around and saw him sit right next to her. It was if he hadn't noticed her sitting there. She knew she wasn't going to be popular. It was like she was invisible.

Finally he spotted her dreamily staring out of the window. He took a breath and said casually, “Hey Paige,”

Paige spun around quickly. She smiled, embarrassed. “Hi,” she said gingerly.

Ian nodded. “Yeah, so, do you like it here?”

Kind of. Those paintings in the hall freak me out.”

Ian chuckled. “Now that I think about it, they are kinda freaky.”

Just then Miss Snow burst through the door. Tons of students trailed behind her. Paige and Ian both stopped talking as Miss Snow called the class to order.

Hello class,” she started. “I am Miss Snow, and I will be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year.”

And that was when wizard school officially started for Paige.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After Paige's first few classes, she found the cafeteria for lunch. She looked around and went in the lunch line. She got her food and sat down at the nearest table. She glanced a her springy spaghetti covered with chunky meat sauce. She twirled her fork around, mixing it up. She didn't notice Ian sneak up behind her.

Hey, are you going to eat that?” he asked, eying the noodles.

Paige looked up. “Oh hey Ian,” She slid her tray to Ian, who scooped the messy spaghetti onto his tray. He slid it back to her. “So, what classes have you been taking?” she asked, regretting herself.

The usual.” But he never said what classes.

Then the five-minute-before-class-starts bell rang. Paige chucked her garbage in the trash and followed Ian to their next class.

Right as they sat down, the grumpy teacher Mr. Yelou was about to start the lesson. “You're late!” he snapped.

No we're not” protested Ian.

Mr. Yelou angrily slapped a ruler on his desk, which snapped in half. Pieces flew everywhere. Paige winced, thinking he might whip one of the students with the ruler.

Do not be late for for class again,” he looked darkly at Ian and Paige. “Or else.”

Paige didn't like Mr. Yelou at all. He was a nasty man.

When she tried to give him flowers to brighten up the room, he threw them away in the garbage without even caring about how Paige had saved up her extra cash to buy them.

It was obvious that she had not gotten a good start with Mr. Yelou.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the day before Halloween, Miss Snow's class was learning how to transform into certain animals like mice, cats, and birds. This was easy for Paige, but for Ian and most of the other classmates, this was really hard. Like poor Claudia Andrews. She tried to turn into a cat but transformed into an elephant. She had to be taken care of very quickly.

Fifteen minutes before class was out, Ian passed a note to Paige. Paige smiled. Ian was pretty much her friend now. He passed her a note everyday in class, and receiving one now definitely wasn't peculiar. She opened it up and read it. It said:

Meet me at the edge of the break field. I have

to talk to you in private.

Paige looked at him sympathetically. She scribbled down her message and crumpled up the paper and threw it at him. He read it and looked at her annoyingly. Paige shrugged and then they both ignored each other for the rest of class.

Paige ran to the break field. The break field was a place where students could walk around, talk and chat, and play football and soccer. It was Paige's favorite thing about Hidden Hollow, besides meeting Ian.

She ran to the edge of the field. Ian stood there, checking his watch. He gave her a dirty look. “Where were you?” he snarled in a loud whisper.

Paige took one step back, afraid Ian might pounce on her. “Sorry! Jeez, what's your problem?”

No! It's just that.... well.....”

Paige put her hands on her hips. “Come on. Spit it out.”

Ian sighed. “I have to show you something,” He led Paige to the end of the break field, where the Forbidden Forest lay.

Oh no,” Paige said, shaking her head.

Ian nodded. “Oh yes.” And he led her into the dark and dreary forest.

A Wizard to Begin WIth- Chapter Three: Welcome to Hidden Hollow Academy!

Early in the morning the following Saturday, Paige crawled to her parents’ room. She knocked quietly and when nobody answered, she tip-toed into the bedroom.

Paige poked her mother gently. Her mother stirred and woke up, startled.

Paige, what is it?” she whispered.

I need to go to Rosie’s house. You know, the lady who brought me to the orphanage.” Paige exclaimed.

Her mom nodded her head. Her face was in her pillow. “Sure. Be back by six.”

Thanks, Mom!” she called, leaving the room.

Then Paige packed a sack lunch and grabbed her wand and spell books (she had been practicing) and opened the garage. She got out her bike and pedaled all the way to Rosie’s house.

Hello Paige!” Rosie said when Paige knocked on the door. She smiled and greeted her in. “I got a new letter from the principal of Hidden Hollow Academy. He is overjoyed that you are joining them at the Academy.”

Paige giggled happily. “Do you know when I start?” she asked shyly.

Rosie held up a paper. “It says right here.” She pointed to a paragraph on the sheet.

Paige looked at the date. “September ninetieth.” She looked at Rosie desperately. “We only have two weeks!”

Rosie nodded solemnly. “I know. We’ll make it happen.” She looked at Paige strangely. “Wait, don’t you already go to a school? A ‘normal’ one?”

Yes, I do. I’d have to transfer.”

Rosie handed Paige a oatmeal raisin cookie. “I think it will be okay.” she said gently.

After an awkward silence, Paige stood up. It was 5:44. Time had passed so fast.

She thanked Rosie and then was off by 5:56. She raced home and burst into a the door a second before the clock on the microwave clock said “6:00” She had made it at record time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two dreadful weeks later Paige was packing her bags to go to the Academy. She was all packed and ready to go.

Her mother called Rosie and then they all left for the train station. While Paige was riding in the car, she thought about how her life was completely being changed so suddenly. She would never ever really be known as “Paige Morne” anymore. She wouldn’t have “normal” friends. There were much, much more things going on in Paige’s head. She wouldn’t see her parents or Rosie again until Thanksgiving! That would definitely would be tough. But she had to be brave, no matter what happened.

When the car came to a halt, Paige leaped out of the car. The one-and-a-half hour drive to the train station sure made the car stuffy. She breathed in deep, fresh air and let it out slowly. She tossed her head and was looking at her parents taking out her luggage. This made her remember what was going to be happening.

Paige ran to her mother and father and held them tightly and giving them wet kisses. “I love you mommy and daddy!” she squeakily said.

We will miss you too,” her father started. “Make sure you write!” her mother added.

Paige nodded and then turned her attention to Rosie. She jumped up and gave her a big bear hug. “Thank you,” she whispered into her ear so only she could hear. “Thank you for taking me to the orphanage and teaching me about magic and all the cookies you’ve ever offered me!” Paige cried.

Rosie looked at her sweetly. “Have fun and good luck.” She gave Paige a crooked smile and winked.

Paige winked back and then ran to her mother. “Do you have my ticket?” she asked, wiping away tears.

Her mother pulled out her wallet and handed her a golden piece of paper. “Don’t lose it!” she called as Paige started running to the ticket booth.

After Paige had gotten inside the actual train station, she looked behind her one last time and waved to Rosie and her parents. They waved back to her. Paige smiled at them and then ran to the train she was assigned to.

While taking her bags to the assistant, she bumped into a handsome-looking boy. Her cheeks turned raspberry red. “Sorry.” she said quietly.

The boy smiled. “That’s okay. No worries.” The boy turned around and walked away.

Paige shrugged and thanked the assistant and walked to her train. She sat herself down and waited for the train to start moving.

Paige pulled out a mystery book. She opened it up to where there was a butterfly bookmark and began reading.

Sophie was desperately trapped. If only Andrew hadn’t betrayed her, she wouldn’t be locked up in this stinky cellar. She’d be out there, figuring out the case of the missing pearl. She might even have-

Just then a young girl walked in. She was short, and had long dark-brown hair tied up in pigtails. She was very jumpy and talked a lot. Maybe a little bit too much.

Hi! I’m Hannah!” the girl said enthusiastically.

Paige wiggled her fingers as she waved at Hannah. She secretly hoped that she wouldn’t be in any of Hannah’s classes.

Finally after two long hours, the train arrived at the Academy. Children of all ages were scurrying everywhere. Paige walked out of the train in awestruck, not knowing where to go.

She then saw the boy she had met earlier. She walked up to him and started a conversation.

Hello, again. Do you know where anything is?” she asked.

He nodded. “The Central Hall is through those doors,” He pointed to the front doors. “And all the classrooms are down there,” he then pointed towards the other doors to the left. “The dormitories are on the right side of the school. There’s more rooms and places, but those are the basics. If you ever need help, look for me. I’m Ian.”

Thanks for the info. I’m Paige.” she said shyly.

Ian waved and then ran to the Central Hall.

Paige followed him. He led her to a large room with tons of students crowded inside. There was laughter and people consuming on a turkey feast.

Come on, this way.” Ian said as the two swiveled through the crowd. He held Paige's hand tightly as they finally found some seats.

Wow, this place is a madhouse!” Paige explained as she sat down. There was a large platter of food in front of her. She helped herself to some potatoes and gravy. As she took her first bite, all the crazy students sat down calmly in their seats.

An old man dressed in a purple robe with silver moon crescents and stars stood up and held up his hand.

Hello, young and old students,” he started.

Paige stopped, wondering if she had broken a rule by starting to eat already. But Ian and the other students were eating quietly, and she realized she was fine.

As I was saying,” the old man said. “Some of you may know me well, and for others, very little. I am Dr. William Oldenburg, head of Hidden Hollow Academy for young wizards. You are all are because you are wizards in training, and we are here to teach you to use your powers correctly.” He took a sip of something in a golden goblet. “The girls' dormitory is to the east, the boys' to the south-east. I hope you all have a pleasant evening.”

Suddenly the crowd of students all started to jump up and down with joy. Paige spotted Ian hopping too, so she joined in. Then everyone stopped and started to finish their meals again.

Soon after Paige started to eat again, she realized that her food was all gone. She glimpsed around. Many other students were rubbing their stomachs happily, full with lots of delicious food. Paige stood up and wiped herself off and started off to her dormitory. She scurried along the long hallway, not even glancing once at the huge painting on the large wall. She couldn't bear it. For some reason, it made her stomach churn, like the wet clothes tumbling in the dryer at home.

Then it hit her. For the first time she felt homesick, and it she hadn't even been at Hidden Hollow for more than a day! She was starting to miss her mother and father, Rosie, her house, and pretty much everything she had to leave to come there to this so-called “academy for young wizards”.

Paige noticed the door that led to her dormitory. She ran to it and lunged forward to open it. She found herself looking around in a dark room. Trunks and suitcases were piled everywhere, and Paige tripped over many of them while trying to look for her own. She finally found it and trudged glumly to where she was assigned to sleep.

Paige quickly and silently rummaged through her suitcase, taking out everything and placing them in the drawers next to her bed. She slipped into her pajamas and cried herself to sleep.